- What? - Will asked me, looking over his shoulder.

- Let's talk.

- Now? But...

- Now.

He sighed, and closed the door using 'Telekinesis'.

- Look, Peter... I'm kinda not in the mood. Elaine...

- That's also what we need to talk about, but only partially. What did she say to you? I noticed you are upset.

- She basically informed me that if the CIA didn't pressure her, she would never come here. She wants a proper divorce as soon as possible. The worst thing is, I don't know if I'll be able to get custody of my son. She made it clear, that she doesn't want me in his life.

I snorted. I knew what he did, but Will changed, and he deserved a second chance. She clearly wasn't gonna give him one.

- I get that this place is not for children, and Dusting shouldn't live here, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to see him, does it?