I left velvet lotus carrying Tam under my arm and headed straight towards wolf territory, but I made a stop on my way, just after making it past the nice architecture, and making it to the ruined part of the city.

Then I put my chicken on the ground and used 'Summon enhancement' on him. I didn't want to go overboard, so I just went with a bit of mana. Probably double the whole mana pool of a person with one fully upgraded magic class of the first tier.

Tam grew in size to be just as tall as I was, which made me want to make him bigger. I doubled what I used previously making him just big enough, to work as a mount. I also used 'Skill sharing' on him, and shared my 'Shadow walk'.

- Ok, now I'm gonna climb on your back, so don't freak out, ok? - I said to him.

- Bawk! - was his answer, and it was so damn loud, that it hurt my ears.

I climbed on the back of my chicken, grabbing his feathers tightly.

- Charge! - I shouted, and Tam started running.