- So, are you gonna be on the show? - Wolf asked me, as we left the down, heading towards the airport.

I really didn't want to talk, and just did my best to avoid it by looking through the window at the landscape.

- No.

- Why not? I bet you would get popular.

- I don't care bout stuff kile that.

- Yeah, sure... Everybody cares. You never wanted to be a rockstar? Movie actor, or famous sportsman? 

- No.

- What's wrong with you?

- Can you fuck off?

He shook his head.

- You have to like something. What's your hobby? Or favorite music?

I sighed.

- Lately, I've been enjoying writing, and my favorite music, if you really have to know, is metal.

- Writing? Really?

- What's wrong with writing?

- Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You just don't strike me as the type that would write. Metal on the other hand... That fits you perfectly.

- Fits me? Why?