I woke up sandwiched between two girls. I could feel the firm brests belonging to Cloe pressed against my back. Samantha's head was resting on my arm, so close to my chest that I could feel her breath tickling me gently.

I waited for quite a long time in such an uncomfortable position because I didn't want to wake them up. Eventually, they did, and we exchanged early morning greetings. Cloe was no longer as embarrassed as she used to be, even when both me and Samantha walked naked around the room.

I took a shower, then dressed, and as I was about to call for room service, Cloe quickly escaped, to not be seen by her coworkers with me.

Escort and I ate the food, talking about last night. We couldn't cherish this little moment for too long, as suddenly I was contacted by Will through the coin I gave him a while ago.