Aisha returned in the morning, and since I tried to contact her, the first thing she did, was to pay me a visit. I let her in, and she was quite surprised by a fifteen-year-old girl lying in the bed I was supposed to sleep on, and watching TV.

- Hi? - she started upon seeing her.

- Hi. I'm Tihana. I've seen you on the TV. You are awesome - she said with a big smile.

- What does a teenage girl do in your bed, Peter? - she asked after turning to face me.

I sighed and got few steps deeper into the room.

- Why does everybody have to react in the same way? Why can't it be: Oh, Peter. You saved a teenage homeless girl whose father tried to sell her, so she had to run away from home?

At that moment a pillow hit the side of my head.

- TMI you asshole! - shouted Tihana.

- Oh... Sorry - said Aisha. - Do the agents know?

- They helped me adopt her.

Her eyes went wide as she heard that.