Tihana didn't respond to my words. Probably because she was just taken aback by them. Ki'rai stayed with her, as I slowly made my way towards Jayadeva's workshop.

The place got even bigger from the outside perspective than I remember it to be. The noize of machines working was escaping the walls, and you could hear it easily on the street. I just went inside. He clearly got some new workers, probably from Dwarka.

In the noise, and chaos of production, he spotted me before I noticed him, and emerged from behind some big machinery of unknown to me purpose.

- Peter, you are back! Hi! - he shouted. - Let's go outside. It's too loud here.

I couldn't argue. The grinders and power hammers were overwhelmingly noisy. Everybody there had some safety gear, but I didn't, so it was even worse for me.

I nodded, and we stepped outside.

- How was your trip? - he asked as soon as we got out.