It took Will two days to finally return, but he did. I personally went to the gate to welcome him. He passed through the portal alongside Wolf.

- Good to see you - I said to them, but mostly to Will.

- Hi, Peter - said Wolf.

- I heard from this guy here - he pointed at the agent by his side, with his thumb - that you adopted a kid.

- Not exactly. I adopted a teenage monster. She is annoying, childish, has no manners, and has a very big mouth.

- So you failed as a parent?

- Shut up. I didn't raise her.

He smiled in response.

- As your mom, I'm proud of you.

This statement made Wolf very confused, but we both ignored him.

- Since you mentioned moms, mine is visiting soon. I want you two to meet. Not you - I turned to Wolf - I don't want you anywhere near here. I'm serious. Very serious.

He rose his hands in a gesture of surrender and took two steps back.