Via shadow walk, I took my mom to the city center. She was very interested in the device itself, and also in the access points.

- Go and touch it - I encouraged her, but she hesitated to go.

I had no other choice, but to just take her there, and basically make her put her hand on the ball.

- You sure it's safe? - she asked, me while trying to hide her excited smile.

- It's safe. Just touch it, and close your eyes. Then buy something.

- Oh... Alright - she sadi but still hesitated.

I stared at her until she finally touched it, and closed her eyes.

- Oh my... - she said, as she retracted her hand, surprised by what she saw, then she touched it again.

- Don't be scared. Just pick something, and buy it.

- Ok, ok. Don't hurry me. I'm picking something...

She ended up buying a bag of hard candy. I almost facepalmed myself when I saw it. She could buy almost anything, and yet she went with hard candy...