The ghost actually was prepared for me, and my charge was blocked after a short distance,e as the jagged pillars of stone emerged, trying to impale me. I avoided with ease, using shadow walk, but he also wasn't done.

I witnessed a familiar concentration of magic above me, and jumped to the side, just to avoid a scorching ray of energy blasting from the air over my head. It melted the ground, my shoes, and set my pants on fire.

I grunted because of the pain and quickly evacuated with a shadow walk, which distinguished the flames. Then I healed my legs and immediately repositioned again, to avoid the emerging pillars.

I gritted my teeth, and charged again while switching my position via 'Shadow walk'. He responded by sending thousands of firebolts that exploded in every direction. The missiles rained down for quite a while, while I was forced to keep up at my top speed, as my clothes quickly caught on fire.