Since it was the day of Tihana's first hunt I quickly did my early morning shenanigans, and shadow walked to the city center, to go to Boris's place. To my surprise, she was already waiting outside, with a spear resting, leaning on the building's wall. It was quite well made.

- Wow, this early?

- I couldn't sleep - she confessed. - I'm so nervous.

- Oh, trust me, it will be like that until you start fighting, and then it will all go away. Do you have everything you need?

- Well... I just have a spear. Boris wanted to give me an armor, but I'm actually better without it. And I didn't pack any food, thinking we might boy something on our way...

- Don't worry about food. I'll take care of that. Pick up your weapon, and let's go- I pointed at the spear.