Day MCMV, part II

With Blue gone, I spent some time thinking what his real goal could be, but I just couldn't think of anything, so I ended up going outside, and putting the last finishing touches on the barriers, then I shadow walked to the city center.

It was pretty much empty, with few guys hanging around the pub. I decided to go to Hatta since he would for sure know when the scientists were going to come. I actually bumped into him in the corridor of Wuxia headquarters.

- Peter?

- Yeah, surprise. How are you doing today?

- Good. You here because of the scientists, aren't you?

- Yep. Also, I had a strange visit from Blue. He declared he is giving up, and he will stop scheming behind our backs. This time for real.

- I heard the same thing last night, but I didn't buy it - he confessed.

- Me neither. I just wonder, why would he do that?