Few days passed. They were quite busy ones when I look back, but back then it felt like I was doing nothing, and just wasting my time.

Despite my promise, I avoided the researchers and didn't get them the books I said I would. Instead, I did a bit of giant hunting and traveled to Dwarka to meet with my assistant Vikram Kaur, whom I asked to find me a piece of land in the city to buy, and also find me an architect. 

He did what I asked in a single day, but the paperwork to do everything legally right, to acquire the land for my mother's new house in India took some time.

I spent most of it translating one of the Bahumdabars books to English, and hunting some giants, to put more crystals to sell. They have been bought very quickly, as both armies, and the researchers needed funds here, to make some progress.

I heard that soldiers started challenging the goblin boss, with the crystals they acquired with money.