Day MCMXXX, part II

All of the researchers suddenly looked my way.

- Can you do that? - asked Vladimir Fedorov.

- Uhm... a... ym... Technically...

- Oh for the love of God! Just do it - Nadzieja snapped.- You are wasting our time for no reason, and you are pissing me off!

- Ok, fine... Calm down, grandma.

She sent few daggers at me with her eyes and then turned her back to me.

I grabbed the closest people, and just shadow walked them to the other side and repeated it with the whole caravan in the span of few seconds. All that was left on the side we all just were was a cloud of smoke, quickly disappearing in the air.

- Wow! - said Sudarshana Patel. - That was amazing!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah - I quickly cut her off. - Let's go.