- I'm Naamaa, please follow me - she bowed slightly to us, then turned around and started walking deeper inside.

Hailwic just went inside. Everybody else first looked at Humma, but he only invited us to go with a gesture, so we all followed them in the end.

The researchers, grunting and moaning with pain followed at the very end because they had to get down from the cart.

The first toom inside was empty and had a passage to another, with four long benches on each side and three holes instead of dors leading to the left, right, and ahead of us.

Naamaa went left, and we all after her, to another transition room, this time filled with potted plants filling almost all of the space, and leaving only a narrow pathway to go further. Then the next chamber was a large one, with one very long table filled with food with many stone benches on both sides.