I started the day by doing some math. I had 26 days to meet with my architect to check his project for my house in Dwarka. Then I actually wanted to travel to Poland, and get all my paperwork done, since my documents needed to be renewed at this point. All I had was some temporary stuff from the Indian government.

Then I also wanted to get a nice house there for my mother and make sure she will be living a nice and comfortable life from now on with all her needs taken care of.

Then it would be good to focus for a bit on Tihana. I didn't want to spoil her too much, because that girl had some rebellious tendencies, but I wanted not only our relationship to grow but also for her to be able to live here properly.

Then I took a shower, ate breakfast, and left Hatta and Will a message that I'll be going hunting for the next twenty-six days. Since they both were busy, I only got short replies that they got the message.