I woke up feeling fresh and well-rested, then I went to take a shower, and quickly swung by the city center to get some food to prepare a nice breakfast for Tihana. I even made her some sandwiches for school.

When she finally got up and entered the kitchen while rubbing her eyes, everything was ready. A glass of orange juice, scrambled eggs, some bacon, and toasts.

- Good morning, sunshine.

- Morning paps... - she replied with a deep voice.

- Seat and eat. I'll take you to school later.

- Wow... We are like a real family now - she said, yawned, and finally took a seat. - Only a mom is lacking. You should look for one.

- Wow, so spiteful so early in the morning. To think that I made you this nice breakfast thinking I will get at least a 'thank you'. How foolish of me.

- Thank you. Happy now? And for the record, it's not my fault. That's what bad parenting does to kids - she said.