Day MCMXCV, part II

- So guys, how are you today? - asked Mahinder, looking at Sudarshana.

She looked to the side, to have a peek at everybody.

- We are good. Although the day started bright and early, we have been great so far.

- I've been told that hunters usually wake up with the sun, he said, switching to me.

- Yes - I confirmed. - Everybody wants to get out as early as possible, to get as many crystals as possible. So they usually start bright and early and finish when it becomes hard to encounter monsters.

- Right now you are utilizing a system where you have to have a certain rank to go to a certain hunting ground, correct?

I looked at Ki'rai since she had more experience with the ranking system than I.

- F rank hunters can go to goblins and rats. E ranks can go to wolves. D ranks can go to rocs. C can hunt bears, harpies, undead, and lizardmen. B rank are ogres, giant spiders, walking trees, and giants.

- What about A rank? - he asked.