Just after a couple of hours of sleep, I woke up next to Sudarshana. She was completely out, but I still did my best to not make any noise, dress, and go out to prepare breakfast for us. Eating cold pizza from yesterday didn't sound very romantic. I had to swing by the device to get the ingredients, though.

I made pancakes with fresh fruits and chocolate sauce, some coffee, and also prepared orange juice.

I took my time with decorations, knowing that she will want as much time in bed as possible. I would even live here there for the whole day, but she still had work, so that wasn't an option knowing her.

I tried using words, at first but since she didn't react I came closer to gently touch her shoulder.

- It's time to wake up - I said.

She mumbled something in response that I didn't understand, and started moving in the sheets. She turned around, groaning, tried to cover her head with a pillow, but eventually got up, looking at me.