Day MMXLIII, part V

Martin went first again and positioned himself a little astride, leaning forward over the table. Then he took a deep breath, making his giant chest puff even more than it usually was, and blew with all his might, rising a cloud of flour. He quickly waved his hands to make it disappear, because even with all this power, the ball was still on the tray.

He started rapidly blowing, again and again, rising more flowers, that would stick to his makeup making his face look totally white. Eventually, he freed the ball and managed to send it flying straight to the net. Then he quickly grabbed it, put it back on the tray filled with flour, and kept blowing.

In the end, he scored three goals, and after he looked at the camera, his face was all white.

- I'm dizzy - he said all happy and went to sit under the wall, as his teammates kept cheering him on.

People laughed at him, and his teammates went on with their attempts scoring two more goals in total.