I was going about my business when Hatta contacted me through the coin.

- Peter? I have some news.

- What? What's going on? - I asked recognizing his voice.

- There is agent Bharat Kumar here in my office, alongside agent Wolf Linton. They informed me that the countdown to the tournament is to be announced today, and they want to confirm your entry.

- Ok...

There was a second of hesitation on my side, as a stream of possibilities flashed through my mind. I saw myself bugged by irritating reporters every day throughout my life from this point forward. I saw people wanting my signatures, pictures and basically going nuts around me. The complete end of privacy.

- You can confirm it - I said, although I could feel my throat twitching as the words emerged.

- Ok. Are you busy, or do you have time for the details? - he asked.

- Hit me.