- So, how do you find our beautiful country? - he started after sitting down.

- It's nice I replied. Do you have any idea when we can expect others to arrive? - I asked.

Salem checked his watch.

- First people should arrive very soon. Maybe a few minutes from now. I was just on the phone with my colleagues, and they informed me about the arrival of other hunters. There is a bunch of people from your gate, as well as some from the Hungarian. You asking, because you want to check the competition?

I shrugged my shoulders.

- It's not like their faces will tell me how strong they are... But why not say hi?

He nodded while Vikram still pretended to read. The guy was just unbelievable. It was kinda like he didn't give a crap about anything, but there were those moments when he showed how well informed he was about things, and how good he was with handling the bureaucracy. I admired those both parts of his persona.