Day MMCIX, part II

As we were finishing, I saw Will walking towards us, and behind him were a lot of my friends. Martin, Hailwic, Nil, Nobuo, and Boris, all following him. Some of them were yawning and stretching, the others looked more awake. All wearing casual clothes.

- Good morning - he said passing by us.

- Good morning - replied Adam, smiling at him.

The same thing repeated itself, with the rest. Soon after the whole crew got the attention of the waiters, other hunters started to also appear. Crews from behind the Hungarian gate gave me and Adam curious looks, as they picked mostly tables away from everybody. 

Only Alban's team sat next to us. Kiril and Oscar didn't really seem to care, but he clearly was.

- Good morning - he said with a smile. - I didn't know you two were such good friends.

- We decided to entertain each other with a conversation during the breakfast - explained Adam. - Do you have a problem with that?

- Nooo... I was just curious.