Days MMCXV - MMCXVI, part II

- Aha! Here they are - said Vikram as he found the right pages. Team sixty-three: Edward Hill, Enrique, Kasper.

- I already know about Edward, but not about the others - I pointed out to him.

- Ok. This is America's strongest team. Kasper apparently is a sniper that uses a bow. Former hunting entusiast. Incredible precision. He can put spells on arrows. Enrique uses both magic and a large sword. He is the strongest person after mister Hill.

- Good to know, but I won't be fighting them anytime soon. By the way, who is my opponent in the first round?

Vikram went through his papers again.

- Bunch of randoms from... America. Please slap the shit out of them.

I smiled.

- I'll get a bonus if you do - he added.

- Are they paying you depending on my performance?

- No. I just bet some cash on your win.

- You did what? Is that legal?

He shrugged his shoulder.