Downstairs, in the restaurant area, Will and few others prepared a space to hold the talks. They moved some tables and chairs. When we got there, we all were directed to have a sit, while he stood in the middle, visible to everybody.

- I believe everybody already saw what is going on - he started.

Some people nodded, others even just plainly said 'yes'. I just watched in silence.

- There might be an alien invasion according to what that alien said, so I believe we should prepare for that. Each of us is strong enough to make a major impact during a battle, some could even determine the outcome - he looked especially at Adam and me.

Silvas left his chair, as he probably felt called out, and joined Will.

- I agree. Maybe we live in different places, worlds even, but this is our home, and it will always be this way. Whoever they are, and whatever they think they can achieve here, they are wrong. We will protect this place!