Day MMCXXV, part VII

- I believe there is no need to introduce anybody here - said Adam, as they came close enough.

- What's going on? - asked Boris.

- We came to strategize, obviously - said the Asian man in perfect English.

- We were in the middle of that - said Nobuo.

- Good that you completely ignored us, and decided to do it by yourselves - said Edward, not hiding the sarcasm.

- This already sounds like fun. I wonder how many more seconds before you guys start fighting - said Gavriil with a nasty smile on his face.

- There is no need to start fighting. I do understand the tension because of the situation we are in, but let's cooperate. We all are in this together, so fighting among ourselves is not an option. Instead of trying to insult one another, or trying to antagonize each other, let's put that effort into finding the best strategy - Adam spoke again.