Day MMCXXXIV, part I

The day was similar to the previous ones. Although Adam needed a lot of rest after his performance, he woke up almost like nothing happened, and began the whole breakfast ceremony with a cup of heated up coffee from the can.

I watched it like hypnotized asking myself why. Since I didn't really have my own ritual, which I would perform before getting out into the battlefield, it was quite hard to understand. Still, I respected it, like other hunters, and we all did our best to stay out of his way.

Then he did all the rest of the stuff, and finally entered the arena with the heavy cloak on, and the cane in his hand. Since he was early he had to wait for his opponent, but the man was quite patient, so that wasn't really a problem.

I used this window to pay closer attention to Ashal Kal Anur and Zor'xal. I wanted to read their mood, and from that judge how well were we going, and, hopefully, how long will this whole thing take to finally end.