Day MMCXXXV, part V

The next few fights progressed in a similar manner. Tai would smash every alien that came out to face him. He was merciless and didn't allow any of them to live. Despite how action-packed were his fights he seemed to be keeping up the tempo just fine.

After every kill, he performed his little ceremony. Faced Zor'xal and spat on the ground, then paid his respect to Ashal Kal Anur.

He was counting on the official to stop the whole thing, but despite his efforts, the alien didn't seem so keen about that. t probably had something to do with the appearance of Nall, the Calludin.

We also just couldn't celebrate his victories in the way he deserved, since the grief after Boris was too fresh and too strong. Some of his colleagues, though, were very cheerful. The rest remained quite reserved. Few people from arc were just scattered around, attempting to be alone, and grieving.