I had no answer to her question, and my faith in Will almost instantly crumbled despite the fact that he was looking calm and confident himself. There was no sign of worry on his face.

In complete opposition to us. A couple of people immediately looked at me, expecting me to rush over there, and send him back and replace him, but I didn't. I promised him to let him decide when to stop fighting, and I was torn between keeping it or just blasting there, to potentially save his life.

Zor'xal was clearly feeling triumphant about what just happened. He was looking straight at Ashal Kal Anur with a sly smirk of confidence on his frog-like face.

The imperial official was tense. His facial expression was showing worry. I couldn't understand really the political weights connected to the whole thing, but they had to be severe since he was taking it so seriously.

Suddenly I spotted Ki'rai very close to the holoprojection, looking straight at Will's face.