Day MMCXL, part II

I don't know how long we were standing there. Maybe a few minutes, or maybe even an hour. But time eased Irina's emotions, and at some point, she stopped crying. She still didn't let go of me, though. Her hands, although without any strength in them, remained around me.

Another moment has passed and Vitalij appeared in the open door. He slowly walked his way from somewhere in the house. He was also wearing black clothes. He looked at us without a word, and I looked at him.

Irina finally got herself together, and with the last gasp, she gently pushed herself off me. I let her go, and she quickly noticed the boy.

- Come here sweety - she said to him, and he slowly walked towards her.

She then picked him up in her arms.

- I have the body - I informed them.

She nodded.

- Come inside - she said, and she entered the house.