Day MMCXLII, part I

The day started with an invitation to a grand breakfast in the dining hall. As I was informed by Sor, it was the place I visited on the previous day.

She gave me this information alongside traditional Sabhetani clothes she and also Ashal Kal Anur were constantly wearing. It wasn't really my style, but I ended up putting them on. The movement of air between my legs, as I was used to wearing pants all the time, was kinda weird, but I got used to it rather quickly.

- How do I look? - I asked her.

There was no mirror there so I couldn't really check myself up properly. Looking at my reflection in the water was not only barely working since the bottom of it was white, and also it was slightly moving all the time.

- Good - she said. - You look like a proper Sabhetani.

Then she even smiled.

- Ok then. I'm ready if you are.

- I'm afraid I was not invited. I'm a slave, Peter - she informed me. - But I'll happily walk you to the dining hall.