Day MMCXLVI, part V

As Will got deeper into the terrace and sat down by one of the tables, Adam went on the move. He quickly assembled our little council around the paladin, gaining the attention of everybody else.

- What do you think, guys? Should we be getting ready for the worst scenario? - he asked, and I could hear a little bit of nervousness in his voice.

- No - I said. - I trust Ashal Kal Anur. I talked with him, and he was confident about this. Not to mention the fact, that we really didn't do anything. We won fair and square. It's not our fault Zor'xal pulled some shit.

- He is right - said Katri Xel Avakadaisu from behind my back.

I didn't even register her getting this close. I stepped to the side to make space for her.