Day UNKNOWN: Bailed Out

Another who-knows-how-long has passed. I started counting the meals they delivered to me, and I got up to fifty-four. This could mean Fifty-four days at wors, or maybe just eighteen, considering they would feed me once or more a day, but to be frank, I was unsure if it was even regular.

I got used to the boredom, and spent most of my time inside my own head or trying to meditate. Both of those things at first were a nightmare since my own thoughts were pretty much hunting me, but with time it got better. I accepted that all of the people I cared for could be dead, and tried to focus on achieving revenge. It was quite freeing actually.

And then the blue barrier became translucent again, showing me the familiar view of the Calludin standing on the other side. As always he seemed quite happy about himself.

- How are you today my slave? - he asked.