Day UNKNOWN: Possibility for a positive change

He got all happy a bit too early since I was not giving it my all. The previous fights made me a bit rusty, as they were way too easy, so even knowing that this won't be such a piece of cake, I still didn't unleash the full power sleeping inside my tiny, compared to his, body.

He charged immediately, trying to ram me into crashing into the wall behind, but I dodged to the side and delivered a low kick to his thigh, which was strong enough to make him trip and collide with the concrete.

The crowd above laughed, and the alien picked himself in the cloud of dust, just to close the distance again, but this time with more patience, and much slower.

I waited for a moment when he was between taking another step, so his balance was off, and leaped forward to reach his head, he dodged my powerful swing, but I got him with an unexpected knee to the face. As he stumbled back, I still in the air turned, and delivered another kick from above, and hit him in the head.