Day UNKNOWN: Low Blow

- No - said Yagg. - There is no way I'm letting you hurt him before the fight.

He was very calm and firm in his words.

- Are you siding with them?! Are you siding with humans?! You were supposed to be an arm to make our wishes happen. You were to deliver the punishment! - the young Calludin snapped and raised his voice as he spoke spitting everywhere out of emotions.

- That's exactly why I won't let you touch him. I was the one entrusted with this man by the High Queen and our people. I'm the one who decides what is fit to happen to him, and what is not. I'm not here to fix mistakes you made due to your idiocy. I told you that your decision was not only pure stupidity but also completely out of the line. You ruined a very intricate plan many put together into life, and now you dare to have such demands? Get out of my sight.