Day UNKNOWN: Bashan and Druoag

We had to cross part of the concrete slab, which was the landing spot, to get to the path leading to the mansion. It looked quite nice from afar, with all the plants, and flowers surrounding it.

- I watched your fights, Peter - said Bashan out of the blue, making me focus back on him.

He didn't look at me, though, just kept walking. There was a pause, as he clearly expected me to say something, but I really didn't know what.

- So? - I asked eventually.

This caused him to laugh.

- So I can say you have a lot of talent, but you are rough on the edges. From what Yagg told me you had access to a lot of different powers before the Queen put some restrictions on you. I guess that you are still getting used to not having that.

- Correct - I admitted.