Day UNKNOWN: Intellectual brute

Druoag led us to the entrance, where we sat by the massive table. He in his gigantic chair and the four of us in the smaller ones.

- Would you like to start, or perhaps should I? -  he asked.

It was very strange to hear his deep voice, and then the AI in my ear translating the words to stuff like 'perhaps', and other more eloquent ones. I couldn't help but see him as a brute. His physique was like the embodiment of aggression.

- Maybe you should start - I proposed.

- Very well... - he nodded. - My people are called Oags. Oag means person, and Dru means two in my language. So my name basically means two people. We used to rule over this planet, but with the expansion of the Ixan empire, we were taken over. It was long ago before the law was allowing to join everybody who proved themselves as a vassal, so we never became part of the empire, but we also never were slaves, although they tried...

I nodded to his words, trying to show him I understand.