Day UNKNOWN: Training montage

The next few days were focused on training. I spared with Druoag, but not really. He clearly was holding back, just matching my speed and pointing out every mistake I made. Despite my ridiculous strength he was still able to overwhelm me, which was very impressive, and made me wonder if I would be on pair of him if I could use 'Shadow fusion', which later led to a small accident, but about that a bit later.

I would give you a training montage, but sadly I can't since in the whole mansion there were no stairs, and as everybody knows a training montage requires some stairs to climb.

It all ended for me when I had this amazing idea while I was giving my all with Druoag in the arena. It was a very hot day, as all of them. The stands were empty and I was sweating buckets, and then it hit me. I froze in the middle of a little positioning exercise, which led to the huge alien also dropping his guard. He looked at me with a silent question.