Day UNKNOWN: Departure

I'm unsure how much time passed, but if I had to guess I would say maybe two or three months. Then Yagg finally had a date for me. It didn't say me much, since they measured time in a totally different way when it came to two separate worlds, two separate galactic, and two separate planets, but after a long consultation with Druoag, I came to a conclusion that I had around three more months.

I spent them chasing my goal of being ready and really reaching out for the championship.

We did a lot of weird stuff, like diving deep in the frozen waters of the local ocean on the dark half of the planet, to simulate immense pressure Sevva could put me under. We sparred a lot, focusing on the speed, and making sure my moves would be perfect.

The passive skills helped a lot, and I really improved when I had a weapon in my hand because everything clicked. It became even better when I finally didn't have to focus on what I was doing, and could give it all to my instincts.