Day UNKNOWN: Against Sevva, part I

And then it came, finally. I just woke up from a nightmare and after a moment to calm my mind asked:

- What hour is it?

- Nine in the morning - replayed AI.

It was actually a cool function that it was changing measurement units from local to ones I could understand.

I was only in my underwear, provided by Druoag. Who was so kind to get me clothes which looked like made on earth.

I just rolled out of the bed. Normally I could use shadow walk to put myself on my feet, which I sometimes did, but now there was no way of doing that, so I simply crashed on the floor. Why did I do it? I don't know, but I remained there for a moment before finally picking myself up.

Then I went to take some stuff from the wardrobe. Fresh underwear, obviously, black military pants and a black hoodie. Yeah, my classic fashion choice, which also my trainer provided.