Day UNKNOWN: Against Sevva, part III

I waited, looking at the entrance on his side of the sandpit like there was nothing else in the world. The lights dancing around the stage from time to time reached this part of the arena, so I could actually see something. He wasn't showing up, but the theme also still was being blasted. I could hear faint cheers sometimes, making it through the noise of the music.

This meant he was still making it through his pathway among the stands. There was no need to rash so he was obviously taking his time. For me, it felt like torture. I wanted the anxiety to be gone, so I could allow my mind some peace. I wanted my mind to switch into battle mode, where all the unnecessary stuff around me would be gone. I wanted to enter the zone, and I was very impatient to get it.

The reality didn't give a shit about my wishes, though, so I had to wait in this state of unbelievable frustration. It was driving me crazy.