Day UNKNOWN: Against Sevva, part V

The pain hit me like a truck, but I was already put through worse, so I endured it letting just a groan escape my mouth. The blood flow after the initial burst almost completely stopped, as the passive skillset of 'Dreadnought' kicked in, which meant that my position wasn't as bad as one could initially think.

But the fact that my right arm was gone didn't change.

Sevva also was getting weaker, as the grasp of his powers on me loosened, but since he managed to get my weapon, he immediately turned it the midair, and send at me with my hand still firmly golding it.

I managed to twist my body, and avoid the blade, as it went straight after my neck. Still, the edge managed to slash my chest.

He was barely holding on, and couldn't keep me in this position, he had to let go, so I was dropped, and landed heavily on the ground.

- Are you ok?! - shouted Druoag.