Day UNKNOWN: Versus Vazasse, part I

The troubles with an annoying group of assholes continued, as they kept showing everywhere where I went. Fortunately, the security was not fucking around, and if they had to, they would beat up those who insisted on blocking me, which was quite the interesting outcome.

Every time that happened, and I was in the company of somebody, they would tell me to not pay too much attention to that, so I didn't. Although I was still concerned about my reputation being damaged, and all the potential supporters, who would leave of such incidents. For me, the championship was only a means to the main goal, of getting the hell out of that place, and getting back to earth.

Eventually, it all ended with me, walking down the corridor to the waiting room, and looking at the massive arena where I was supposed to very soon fight with a giant walking crocodile named Vazasse.