Day UNKNOWN: Party, part I: Begining

Compared to the previous night, on this one, I didn't sleep at all. I was pissed off on Bashan, and just couldn't close an eye, agonizing about what kind of pointless shit is he going to drag me in. When the morning finally came, I rolled out of the bed and went to get I shower. Then ate some terrible serial for a breakfast.

I don't know what that thing was made of, but my bet would be cardboard. Or some scobs. With the strange fake milk, I found in my fridge. I had better stuff there, but to actually make something tasty I would need to cook, which was something I didn't want to do. It was too bothersome, considering the fact that I was soon to go to a party, where I felt like expecting to get something to eat was quite reasonable thought to have.