Day UNKNOWN: Party, part VI: The Old Man

- Before you ask who I am, let me introduce myself. I'm Genusha Sab Ar Irati Ashemi. I'm a merchant, but more importantly, I'm part of the resistance against the high queen, and her tyranny. As I said, you were not found by your friends. You were found by us, and only because of him - the Sabhetani pointed at Bashan, who was completely silent up till this point.

The old man smiled.

- I'm also part of the resistance - he informed me. - The very moment I heard of you, I knew that you might be an important piece. The fact that the high queen stripped you of your powers meant she was actually afraid. That's why I informed the rest about your whereabouts, and also helped to create this reunion.

I nodded.

- Thank you... But what now? Can we leave this planet? Can we escape? She is still in my head.

- Yes, she is - Bashan agreed. - We knew that from the beginning, and we have a solution for that.