Days UNKNOWN: Gathering Strength, part I

Since the window between our first pop back to Loistavadvaar, and the second one was rather short - maybe a few minutes - some of the new citizens showed up around the device, due to the ruckus we made on our first visit.

I noticed Tihana and Daniel talking. Tam was pecking the ground more as a habit than to eat something off it.

- I'll get The Great One, and you should upgrade yourself in the meantime - I proposed to Druoag.

- Fine by me - he responded, and went to put his hand on the sphere.

- I'll get him - Daniel clearly overheard us, as he proposed to go instead.

I nodded.

Meanwhile, Tihana and the legendary chicken got closer to me. She smiled, but it was quite an awkward one. I tried to respond, but I bet it didn't go any better.

- How is the hunt? - she asked, and examined me more carefully, probably for any wounds.