Days UNKNOWN: The Strategy, part I

Almost all of us gathered in the building The Great One was occupying and waited for Druoag, who still was out hunting. Genusha was waiting by the device to inform him that the time to plan the battle came, as soon as the giant would show up.

With the silver light making it past the walls of the jade building, it was quite bright inside. We all were sitting down on small cubes, around a bigger one that served as a table. I brought some food, but only the humans seemed to be interested in pizza and coke.

Even among the representatives of our race, I was the only one to stuff my mouth like a madman. Daniel found it quite funny as he kept smirking at me, while Tihana seemed to be disgusted. I didn't care, though. I was too hungry to dive a damn.

My body seemed to be burning through calories like a freaking furnace, and then I had to rely on the other types of energy to fuel myself, so each occasion to fill my belly was priceless.