The Days Of New Beginning: The Return

Since The Great One needed some time, we were forced to stay in Loistavadvaar and wait for everything to be properly arranged by him. He, using the device, transformed his body into a perfect copy of The High Queen's, then utilizing her memories, slowly assumed her mannerism from the obvious elements like the way she spoke, through more complicated things, such as her body language.

Druoag accompanied him a lot, knowing how Ixa was back when she was alive. It wasn't perfect, because the heavyweight alien didn't know her too well, but it had to work since we had nothing better to offer.

Genusha and the Atri kept a close eye on them, offering their insight. The rest of us, the humans, had nothing to offer in those preparations. So, pushed by Tihana's wish to learn how to fight, I began teaching her and Daniel; he naturally stuck to us, as there was nothing for him to do.