T.D.o.N.B: Family Time

The next day, I and Tihana were able to go to the goblin woods, and search for some of them, just like quite a number of other people, so the competition was tough, as everybody wanted to get some crystals.

I equipped my fake daughter with a sword, shield, and some sturdy, but comfortable, leather armor, bought from the device. Then we headed out.

With my abilities, searching for the little green fellows, was easier than for other people, so we got to the first group quite fast, and Tihana had a chance to display her skills. 

She was better than I expected, handling the enemies very well, despite their advantage of numbers.

- Let's try something else now - I proposed after she turned the last one into black smoke, which evaporated.

- What? - she asked, turning back towards me.

There was a bit of sweat on her forehead, but she whipped it with the back of her hand. The same one she was using to hold the sword.