T.D.o.N.B: Harsh Lesson About Life

Tihana stepped to the front of our small, two-man group.

- Are you really gonna hide behind a girl? - asked me the leader of the jerks.

- What the heck is she even wearing? - One of his lackeys pointed out, half laughing.

- If you want, I can bash your face in with this shield - she responded.

- Hey, be careful! - the leader warned her, switching his focus of attention. - We are gentlemen, but if you push, we are gonna disarm you, and tie you up.

- She is kind of acute - another lackey pointed out. - How old are you, cutie?

I didn't say a thing, but my eyebrow climbed up my forehead, again. The jokes and harsh words were fine, but if they tried to do something dirty to her, I would tear them apart.

- I'm out of your league, shitface - said Tihana.

- Calm your girlfriend down, or it's going to be you, who pays for her insults - the leader warned me.