T.D.o.N.B: Conversation in the kitchen

Like that, we arrived in front of my little mansion, which made her eyes and mouth go wide. After seeing quite a bit of architecture in Arc, she probably didn't expect anything of that caliber.

Moreover, the house was a clear indication that I had to be quite rich, which she probably quickly calculated, just by comparison with other buildings we have seen on our way.

Homes in Arc, after all, were mostly based on functionality, which led them to be rather small in comparison. Not to mention the wall and the garden, hidden behind it.

Celestine would just look around with the same expression glued to her face. She still didn't say anything, but this time it was more an outcome of the state of shock she was in. This lasted until I opened the door for her.

- Come on in - I invited her officially.

- Y-yes - she said, almost choking on her own spit, which led me to believe she was nervous.